
I am so thankful for my heart journey—while at times complex and arduous spanning more than 27 plus years—it has provided so many valuable lessons and positive opportunities that I would otherwise have missed.

I am so thankful that it motivated me to make serious life-style changes—I just turned 70 (surprising me and my doctors!), and continue counting my heart journey blessings every day.

I am so thankful that it allowed me early in my journey to meet and marry a wonderful woman who has helped me as a awesome and loving caregiver.

I am so thankful that it allowed me to learn so much about heart issues and care so that I can now be a knowledgeable and compassionate caregiver for my wife as her own heart disease journey continues to evolve and worsen.

I am so thankful that it provides me the opportunity to meet so many others struggling with similar journeys, sharing our successes and struggles; it provides me an opportunity to participate in support groups and offer peer encouragement for so many others; it provides interactions that continually humble me as I realize how trivial my journey actually is compared to the onerous and burdensome journey that so many others experience.

I am so thankful that it motivates me to be an active, informed and involved advocate, not just for myself but for others, utilizing my education and experiences to passionately and effectually articulate patient perspectives to a wide range of doctors, corporate medical companies, professional medical associations, government agencies and political decision makers.

I am so thankful that it daily provides me with insight, perspective and grounding about what is most important in life, thinking of all of the special things in my life because of it, and realizing all of the blessings my heart disease odyssey continues to provide daily.

I am ALWAYS so thankful for my heart disease!